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Got a Dream?

November 29, 2015

When you see people walking on the streets, it is very easy to judge them based on how they look. It is very easy to rule them out based on how bad they are dressed, or to quickly accept them based on their ability to pack sentences. In short, it is very easy to quickly judge a person by their outward appearance as opposed spending time with them to try and really know who the person behind the outward appearance is.

Some of these people are people who were forced to put their dreams on hold so that they could make the dreams of others come true e.g. a dad putting on hold his dream of owning the latest model of a Beamer (BMW) so that he could take his children through to school; or a single mother having to put her dreams of ever holding a degree on hold so that she can first educate her children. Every one of these people we see on the streets have a story to tell. They have dreams that are yet to come true.

I was reminded of this just before I wrote this article, when I visited my Facebook page and found this post one of my friends had liked:

MY PROUD MOMENT.....mom was widowed when she was younger than me, she raised my siblings and I with just a teacher's salary which she supplemented with farming and ensured we got the best education she could offer! Until I was a young adult, I never quite grasped the magnitude of how difficult it must have been for her to ensure we are always ok! After we left her nest she enrolled at the university to study what she has always loved! Education. When I asked why now...she simply answered "I have always wanted to do this and now I have the time”, today she is graduating 



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